Home Detox

A healthy family starts with a healthy home.

For many people, their home is their sanctuary; the place where you feel most safe. What if we told you that it is one of the most toxic places you spend your time?

Whatever you put on your body, goes into your body. Anything that your breath in, is filtered by your organs. We can help you remove daily toxins out of your life, so that your organs are not over-taxed.

Are you struggling with allergies, puffy or red eyes, sneezing, coughing, or dry itchy skin? Do you suffer from unknown causes of eye, throat or nose irritation? These short-term problems can turn into long-term health problems. By eliminating everyday household toxins, you can take back control of your family’s health. Let us show you how.


This service is a full in-home toxicity evaluation.

This includes tap water analysis, air quality analysis, personal care products analysis, cleaning products analysis and cookware/food storage analysis. A full report with recommendations will be provided 48-72 hours after the consultation.

Ready To Get Started?

Ready to change your life for the better? Get started today by booking your first appointment.